Auto Draft

Consideration of end metal fitting material and connection size

The end metal accessory material for products with tensile strength below 120kN is generally 45-gauge steel. At present, most of the ball socket ends are made of 45 cast steel, and the ball-end ends are made of 45-gauge round steel cars.

   The material of the end metal accessories for products with tensile strength above 160kN is generally 40Mn2 round steel, and the ball and socket ends are thickened by forging. The ball head shaft is quenched by high frequency surface to improve the tensile strength, and still retain a certain toughness, this feature is conducive to improve the fatigue resistance under wind vibration.

    In order to take into account the interchangeability of insulators, the size of the connecting parts of the end metal accessories should comply with IEC 61466-1 (1997-02) “Part No. 1 of Composite Insulator String Components for Overhead Lines with Nominal Voltage Above 1000V: Standard Strength Level and Ends Annex “Standard and China’s Standard GB/T 4056) “Dimensions of High-voltage Line Suspension Insulator Connection Structure”